Chewing and destroying things | Chewing and destroying things | Chewing and destroying things | Chewing and destroying things | fear biter | fear biter |
biting and mouthing hands | peeing and pooping in house | peeing and pooping in house | biting and mouthing hands | fear aggression | fear aggression |
biting ankles and clothing | submissive urination | submissive urination | biting ankles and clothing | submissive urination | dominance aggression |
| barking when left alone | lifting leg or marking in the house | dog not coming when called | shy or fearful of dogs | predatory aggression |
| barrier frustration | peeing or pooping on beds and furniture | dog not obeying commands | shy or fearful of people | pain elicited aggression |
| | eating out of the garbage | humping | fear of loud noises | barrier frustration |
| | grabbing things off counter | | fearful of slippery floors | play aggression |
| | cant keep off furniture and beds | | fearful of certain surfaces | resource guarding |
| | | | fearful of thunderstorms | food aggression |
| | | | fearful of gunfire | protective aggression |
| | | | skittish | misdirected aggression |
| | | | | territorial aggression |
| | | | | handler aggression |
| | | | | skipping steps in the aggression cycle |
| | | | | alert barking |