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Canine Behavior Course
43 ArticlesGain the knowledge and confidence to understand canine behavior and create effective training plans by studying these lectures..
Canine Health and Husbandry
19 ArticlesHealth and husbandry lectures tailored specifically for professional dog trainers.
- The Five Freedoms of Animal Welfare
- Disinfection – the Basics
- Climate Control
- Kennel Design Considerations
- In-Home Boarding Considerations
Dog Training Industry Specialized Subjects
10 ArticlesThese are dog training industry-specific lectures designed to increase awareness and preparedness.
- Problems in the Dog Training Industry
- IAABC – A History of Unfair and Discriminatory Practices Against Dog Trainers
- IAABC – International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants, the Steven Lindsay Conflict, LIMA, and the Threat Against Dog Owners and Trainers.
- Karen Overall – Using her position for unethical agendas?
- Dr. Eduardo Fernandez’s LIFE Approach to Dog Training – Is it an Illegal Force Free agenda?
Foundation Style Dog Training (FSDT) Obedience: A Technical Breakdown This approach emphasizes a humane, systematic method that enhances communication with the dog while achieving a high level of obedience.
Protection Dog Training Course
13 ArticlesWARNING - These lectures are for transparency and educational purposes. Only attempt the techniques in these lectures if you are fluent in the canine behavior and obedience courses while also under the mentorship of an experienced professional.
- Introduction to Protection Training
- Aggression Drives in Protection Training
- The Physiology of the Bite
- Bite Building in Play
- Working a Dog in Defense
Scientific Studies Relevant to Dog Training
111 ArticlesA collection of scientific studies and articles relevant to professional dog trainers.
- Experimental Neurosis in the White Rat – Peterman
- Play Behavior in Wolves: Using the ‘50:50’ Rule to Test for Egalitarian Play Styles
- Partner preferences and asymmetries in social play among domestic dog, Canis lupus familiaris, littermates
- Private article
- Lateralized behavior and cardiac activity of dogs in response to human emotional vocalizations
Dog Training Concepts
55 ArticlesA collection of reference articles that reference concepts of interest to dog training professionals.
- Operant Conditioning
- Escape Conditioning and Avoidance Conditioning
- Conditioned Punishers vs Unconditioned Punishers in Dog Training
- Classical conditioning: Extinction, spontaneous recovery, generalization, discrimination
- Classical Conditioning in Dog Training: Neutral, conditioned, and unconditioned stimuli and responses
Quick Charts
11 ArticlesCommon charts that are used for reference or organization.