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  5. IAABC – A History of Unfair and Discriminatory Practices Against Dog Trainers
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  5. IAABC – A History of Unfair and Discriminatory Practices Against Dog Trainers

IAABC – A History of Unfair and Discriminatory Practices Against Dog Trainers

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The questions we seek to answer?

  • Does IAABC tolerate long-term systematic tortious interference against dog obedience trainers?
  • Do Veterinary Behaviorists kill dogs in high numbers and then blame dog obedience trainers for their failures?
  • Did Michael Shikasio, while president of the IAABC, abuse his position to exploit the proprietary knowledge of a dog obedience trainer as his own, and then use it to market against the very same type of trainers that he stole it from without permission?
  • Does IAABC practice intellectual dishonesty to mislead the public and to support its agenda?
  • Did Dr. Edguardo Fernandez demonstrate trade libel against the public work of Steven Lindsay and demonstrate Conflict of Interest Fraud by pairing up with the same organizations that also misrepresent his work to offer paid webinars on his competing version?
  • Does Karen Overall use her position as editor-in-chief of the Journal of Veterinary Behavior to unethically support her own agenda and unfairly influence the veterinary community to not recommend dog obedience trainers?
    • Does Elsevier Publishing, who also published the Journal of Veterinary Behavior and Karen Overall's competing behavior book do enough to monitor her conflicts of interest?
    • Does the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) use its lack of knowledgeable oversight for unethical agendas?
  • Do IAABC members use illegal bullying tactics when their practices are publicly questioned?
  • Should the US government step in to cease unfair marketing practices of IAABC members?
  • Should the IAABC and other organizations that operate in a similar manner be trusted to act in the best interest of the dog-owning public's welfare?

Ethical trainers take action against abusers, but the IAABC members take action against competitors.

Putnam Humane Society

  • Maddie's Fund - Cornell Veterinary Behaviorists with 1 million dollar grant
  • APDT Trainer
  • Defensive Leash Handling
  • Paladin

The catalyst for this post:

10 minute mark of interest, 43 minute mark fear of can and egg carton...44 minutes separation anxiety...


Cornell Behavior Vets and Maddie's Fund:

1 million dollar grant (need to confirm)? Kill most of the dogs was their solution...

I offered free services to help? ignored...

Here is the story about the shelter: https://yesbiscuit.com/2009/07/12/whats-going-on-at-the-putnam-humane-society/

The board voted to euthanize the dog via the advice of a "trainer", certified through the IAABC and CPDT. She said there would be less than a 2 percent chance of success if the dog were sent to me, most likely based on the fact that I was considered a local competitor and she already said the dog could not be helped.

My Experience with the President of the IAABC

Watch the resistance training video first:

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Signaled Omission Punishment Conditioning

He said he was "open minded about training methodologies and no "positive politicking" from him. He was interested in aggression. I had classes full of aggression cases and multiple trainers working with them. We went to get a meal together after the classes to discuss my desire to improve the quality of dog trainers and reduce abuse in the profession. I was hoping to collaborate more.

Instead, I didn't here from him until after he put together a conference exploiting what he saw working with me and crediting it as his own work.

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Just to show, I worked on systems for about a decade before Shikasio visited.

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One week after Michael Shikasio visited my classes, he promoted his first conference with the acquired leash techniques as his own development.

Within 1 year of the visit:

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1:50 free hand lock,

Palm up (weight distrubuted across palm) and use dogs momentum to keep them off balance (like Judo): - the right way

Palm down (full jolt on thumb), brace forward: Absolutely dangerous and wrong way!

The Emergency Situation? AKA, Any time you encounter a trigger?

1:12 break stick?? only practiced on stuffed animals??? Says teeth may break??? Her research consists of articles on the internet.. not experience. 1:14 admitting it's ok to be aversive with a shelter dogs. "it's a matter of life and death" its ok to do this to shelter dogs that don't have owners, but not to paying clients?...1:25 slip lead up behind the dog's ears?

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Falsely giving credit to himself - discrimination.


Bitey End of the Leash with Michael D'Abruzzo Invite

Invited me to the podcast so we would have more content as a hub for information on aggression, but asked me to not mention what tools I use.

Continued Referrals to prong and ecollar trainers despite access to all the world's "force-free" dog trainers.

Our Next Interaction was When I Heard He Was Publicly Supporting a Ban on Ecollars, while also recommended to ecollar trainers "like me" privately before the masses of "positive trainers". I found this very unethical and not based on his beliefs, but the fact that he is forced to publicly support these position statements by the IAABC and APDT or else he would be "canceled". In response, I made a video highlighting, without mentioning his name, that IAABC mentors are forced to sign a paper to abide by the agendas of the organizations that will pay him for his seminars. When I released the information, he "canceled" me, and a trainer and business that he associates with, wrote my employer in an attempt to disrupt my business. I do NOT believe in any way that Mike was directly involved in this, but it is within the same organizational circles that entrap him.

This is the same pattern as Victoria Stilwell

  • solicited help
  • said she is not against tools, if someone knows how to use them.
  • referred to me even after watching my training with ecollars and prongs.
  • Canceled me and hurt my reputation after being threatened by CCPDT andIAABC members
  • Continues to mislead the public.

I refused to take off the prong collar, because of safety issues to the cameramen. 12:30 recommends us to the dog owner in the show and invites us to another episode and to be a permanent recommended trainer without any fees.

In the show she tells the dog owner that shock collars are bad, but then tells him to do an apprenticeship with us.
She then exploited the no-pull harness, a punishment device, by making one, even more aversive and putting the name "positively" in front of it for marketing. the "the Positively No-pull Harness".

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Dr. Edguardo Fernandez - Trade Libel and Conflict of Interest Fraud

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Go to the Webpage on Dr. Fernandez Here: https://dogtraining.world/knowledge-base/dr-eduardo-fernandezs-life-approach-to-dog-training-an-example-of-illegal-junk-science/

IAABC Member Sends Letter to My Employer

Certifications are from IAABC and Karen Pryor Academy. Employed by a Veterinary Behavior practice.

Karen Overall - Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Veterinary Behavior. Why would she not fact-check Dr. Fernandez?

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Go to the Webpage on Karen Overall Here: https://dogtraining.world/knowledge-base/karen-overall

Why Would a "LIMA Based" Organization Remove the ONLY member that is actually LIMA Certified? Educational Gatekeeping.

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A Link to this Webpage: https://dogtraining.world/knowledge-base/iaabc-international-association-of-animal-behavior-consultants-the-steven-lindsay-conflict-lima-and-the-threat-against-dog-owners-and-trainers/

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Direct Link: https://dogtraining.world/knowledge-base/force-free-dog-training-theory-from-a-scientific-and-legal-perspective

What Dog Obedience Trainers Should Do Next

  • Keep discussions open with your ethical organizations
    • NADOI
    • IACP
    • Others
  • Collect information and screenshots of any actions that raise unethical flags.
  • Share this link with any individuals in leadership positions who can assist in legislative changes: https://www.DogTraining.Legal

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  1. The Greed + Intellectual Arrogance + Bigotry + Outright Dishonesty/Lying that you expose here are a disaster for dogs and their people. The purely positive cabal pimps an easy, punishment-free fix that, for many/most dogs simply does not exist and for many people and their dogs can be extremely dangerous. It’s also dangerous for passersby without dogs and people out and about with their own dogs. It’s cotton candy: It’s sweet but if if ‘s all you consume, your teeth rot and you get diabetes.
    FSDT is demanding and hard to master and to communicate to others, but as far as I know, it’s the way to know if you truly respect dogs and other people.