Rogue K9 Academy
Rogue K9 Academy is passionate about practicing FSDT in it’s purest form. We help handlers that are dealing with the most difficult aggression or behaviorial problems, experience the freedom and joy that comes with building a relationship with their dog, while achieving advanced obedience.
Our Core Values:
Knowledge- continuing education is of the utmost importance so that we may truthfully and ethically provide our most comprehensive diagnostics, solutions, and compassionate curriculum. We will never give advice based solely on experience or personal opinion. We will seek quantified and qualified data that goes beyond ego to educate the handler regarding their dog, so they can in turn, make educated decisions.
Passion- the drive to continuing education and giving 100% effort to each dog and handler team, family, and consultation, is a passion to help dogs and their humans have better quality of life. Although this is a business, the goal is not quick turn over. The goal is to share a passion for cynopraxic interaction and lifestyles of dog ownership and care based on relationship.
Respect-the foundation of all of our curriculum is built first: on the respect for the animal we have the privilege of working with and second: the people who love their animals enough to seek help to do what is best for them. Respect is not self-righteous or judgmental. We seek to compassionately provide truthful and LIMA forward information to anyone willing to learn. The appropriate attitude, based in respect, towards the dogs is always on the forefront; never to be sacrificed for sales, marketing, or to satisfy a quick fix.