Will Judy

A Captain in the United States Army, lawyer, and teacher, Will Judy was a born dog enthusiast and lived an eventful life. He was well…

Barbara Woodhouse

Barbara Woodhouse was a British dog trainer known for her television series “Training Dogs the Woodhouse Way” on BBC in 1980 across the UK as…

Aggression Drives

Even if you are not experiencing a problem with your dog due to aggressive behavior, it is still important, that as a dog owner, you…

Leadership Chart

For full leadership section you can go to this page: Leadership

How to Clip a Dog’s Nails

Here is a quick post that will give you some tips on clipping your dog’s nails. Most of the important information will be found in…

How to Clean a Dog’s Ears

Cleaning a dog’s ears does not have to be a stressful experience for you or your dog. Earl and I threw together this video to…

Dog Will Not Obey Commands

So your dog doesn’t listen or obey commands? This is very common. To get your dog to obey you must first understand the reason why a…

Dog Does Not Come When Called

Training a dog to come when called begins with understanding why a dog doesn’t come when called in the first place. First reason a dog…