After understanding some basic behavior about wolves it makes it easier to understand the transition from their wild state to a domesticated companion.
Below is a great video that features two great contributors for anyone seeking to understanding the evolution of dogs and the sources of their natural behavior: James Serpell and Raymond Coppinger.
Science is always evolving as new discoveries are made, and there is still much to speculate and debate about as far as exactly HOW dogs were domesticated. It may have been happening in different places in slightly different ways at slightly different times. What is important is that any dog professional should seek out the scientists that are truly passionate about understanding the truth, and these are always the best books or studies to invest time in and to form your own opinions.
Please watch these videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Here is the referenced article on the Basenji: Click Here
Extra: What is your interpretation of this video, "The Promise"? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Mike, can you please point me to the study (the link) on Basenji’s, that your are referring to?
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Good book about Lyudmila Trut/Dmitri Belyaev’s work, building a dog — more or less — from a fox in 60 years:
Lee Alan Dugatkin & Lyudmila Trut: How To Tame a Fox (And Build A Dog), U of Chicago Press, 2017
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