Hard and Soft Dogs

Generally, the terms "hard" and "soft" are used to describe how individual dogs respond to discipline. Β It should not be confused with how dominant/submissive a dog is or how aggressive it is since these are completely different traits.

A "hard" dog will bounce back easy from discipline and may also need more motivational discipline in order to get a behavior change from.

A "soft" dog will respond to "softer" discipline and may not bounce back as well to a correction especially if it is overdone.

There are pros and cons to each type of dog depending on preference. Β A hard dog may be more difficult to motivate with discipline but there will be less side effects if someone is sloppy. Β A soft dog will respond easier to discipline, but you will have more side effects if the trainer is sloppy in any aspect. Β In some ways, if all else is equal the soft dog can be more challenging to the new trainer than the hard dog. Β  So "hard" dogs are not necessarily harder to train.

Here are some examples:

  • You can have a soft dog that is very dominant and aggressive. Β This dog may react by biting the handler easier than a hardΒ dog of equal temperament for a relatively light physical correction that the dog feels is unjustified. Β If the dog was hard he may have simply not responded to the correction.
  • In the world of protection or police dogs a hard dog isn't necessary better or worse than a soft dog if all else is equal in temperament. Β It just produces two different types of reactions from combat with a bad guy. Β A hard dog may not care much about being beat on by a bad guy which has obvious benefits for a dog that may need to stay in-gauged, Β but this dog is also more likely to get injured by not adjusting to strikes or even stabs. Β A soft dog will be more reactive to being struck and is more likely to adjust in the form of moving out of the way of something striking him or transfer a bite in a way that addresses the issue. Β The con of this can be during police work where a dog may need to hold a single bite while other officers rush in to assist with an apprehension. This also is not good for most sport training where a dog is expected to keep a single calm bite on an agitator while enduring a couple stick hits.

Notice that hard and soft have nothing to do with a dog's willingness to show aggression or fight with a person or dog. Β Also, a dog may be "hard" or "soft" to different types of discipline. Β Therefor, a dog may be hard to leash corrections, but soft to ecollar corrections. Β Or, a dog may be hard to ecollar corrections, but soft to verbal reprimands. Β Hard and soft, like all temperament traits are hard to measure and generally used in relative terms. Β Dog "A" is softer then dog "B", or dog "A" is soft for a German Shepherd.

Here is an example of a dog that would be considered very very hardΒ when it comes to leash corrections on a martingale:

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I personally would use a type of correction that was more motivational with less force if I was training a dog that hard. Β Here is a dog of equal "hardness" but using a more motivational training tool (ecollar) in order to use less brutal force.

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