Dog Training World › Forums › Behavior Problems › House Breaking and Habitation › training/respect issues with lab/beagle › Re: training/respect issues with lab/beagle
Sounds like you are on point with the pack structure rules. These rules will not correct problem behaviors on their own but rather set the proper relationship for her to respect you and be in a more natural position to take your lead.
Your problems are really separated into two categories:
Housebreaking: If you cant catch her in the act you can’t correct it. So two things: you either try to set her up to catch her in the act, or if that is impossible don’t allow her unsupervised access to the trouble areas. You can try “dog proofing” (ie picking stuff up- which I know can be hard especially with kids) and putting something on the couches to deter her. I like the clear plastic carpet runner that they sell at home depot. Its the kind that when you flip it over has little plastic nubs all over. Put it nubby side up on couches when you are not around so that she will just choose not to lay there on her own.The other issues seem like obedience problems. If you have finished Phase 1 obedience then these issues will start to be corrected in Phase 2.
If you are averse to using training collars then you do the best you can with reward based training (Phase 1) where you reward the behaviors you like and take away the reward for the behaviors you do not like. If you are getting great success with rewarding every time you start to move to an intermittent reinforcement schedule where you give a treat reward on a random basis. Your goal is to get her to work for the promise of a treat without having to show it to her first. Keep in mind , timing , motivation and consistency.Have you tried troubleshooting other areas of the triangle?
for example Layers 1,3,4,6,8
1)knowledge: both beagles and labs usually have a decent amount of prey drive due to both being hunting breeds so the chasing of the cat and pug are not surprising. For Phase 1 You are going to have to prevent her from chasing by having her on a leash and reward for alternate behaviors like obedience, sit/down or eye contact.
3)How has you attitude been with her? Is this something that could have affected the difference in her behavior between you and your husband?
4)Golden Rules: how is your timing, motivation and consistency with her?
6)Restless Spirit: what is her exercise routine? is she provided with engaging and appropriate toys/chews as an alternate to chew on? this may also play a role in her wanting to chase the cats and pug
8)Anxiety: could her chewing be associated with seperation anxiety?
If she is not that motivated you need to find ways to increase motivation. In Phase 1 this means doing training with high value treats when she is hungry (such as before meals, or feed light meals so that she is more treat motivated) or by using Phase 2 techniques where you use gentle correction. Obedience classes will only be helpful if she is motivated and learning more than she already knows, ie getting more reliable behavior.
I would strongly suggest trying to follow the Phase 2 videos.
Keep us posted either way!