Dog Training World Forums Behavior Problems Fearful Dog and Puppy Help Puppy Being Agressive to Older Dog Reply To: Puppy Being Agressive to Older Dog

  • Judy B.

    May 17, 2017 at 6:59 am

    It is important to remember that you dont just have a lab. You have a rottie/lab. Rotties were meant to be guard dogs and therefore understanding the breed type is the first most important thing. You may not be getting those lab traits, but these Rottie traits. As long as you understand and respect what you have you shouldnt be discouraged. I would suggest reading about the two different breads you have combind into 1 just to get a better understanding of what you are dealing with. As long as you understand a Rottie is naturally going to want to guard you should expect some type of aggression. Especially on your own property. Understanding the breed you have is whats going to help you. If what you signed up for is a lab….that is not what you have. You have a rottie lab and she should be respected as such. Also she is 4 months old. She is going to start getting her adult teeth soon which will make puppy classes not much of a safe option. We phase dogs out if puppy classes by 6 months or by the time they get their adult teeth. Squabbles when they are young are one thing but once they get adult teeth we have all the dogs in class wear muzzles for safety. This is how we are able to hold such large group classes with mostly aggressive dogs safely. You also shouldn’t be discouraged if your dog never likes other people or dogs. Thats ok too. You dont need your dog to do well with strangers, you just need your dog to do well with you around strangers. Thats where obedience comes in around those situations. You teach obedience. We never correct a dog for aggression but we do teach them obedience and give them something else to do instead. Leadership within the home is going to be key for you. Read over the leasership excersice, I will paste the link below. The leadership roles are very important in helping to prevent problems instead of trying to fix potential problems later on. It will also set a better foundation that will make it easier and more natural for your dog to want to follow you thus making obedience a more natural thing. Understanding what is normal for your dog is the first step. Respecting her for who she is and thinking of her as a potential asset in certain situations will help you to not be discouraged. Work on your leasership, get a good fitting comfortable muzzle. One like a baskerville ultra is a good one to try. She can eat or drink or take treats from it. Make the muzzle a good thing. Just start by giving her treats through it. And build up to securing it on her. Start off with phase 1 obedience in a non distracting teaching environment. Then you work up to phase 2. You want to be her teacher. Just as you know she probably wont be the type of dog you can cut loose at a park with other dogs or strangers….thats totally ok. I cant do that with my dog either and he went to puppy classes and played great with the puppies there. Thats just who he is and i recpect him and live him for who he is. So moral of the story is, dobt be discouraged. Your jib first is to keep your dog safe and out of trouble. If you can do that…job well done! Start with leadership amd let is know if you have any other questions. You will do great.