• Judy B.

    October 8, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    Make sure you have your pets information, emergency numbers, addresses and directions in a known area of the home anywhere that can be accessed easily. Imput the info into your cell phone but have a back up in case you find yourself in a no service area or without a battery charge and you do run into an emergency. Although we never hope to need it, putting a little extra money aside here and there if and whenever possible is a good idea. As we all know, veterinary care can become quite costly especially when we run into something unexpected. Pet insurances are offered but be sure to do thourough research. Some have a high deductable and often most dont cover pre existing conditions. Sometime it is worth it to some, and for others it isnt. I personally would much rather put aside whatever would be spent on pet insurance every month in a separate savings account in case something unexpected did come up. This way too, hoping you never need it, you are also no out that money if you dont 🙂 but if you do run into something unexpected, at least you have a little bit of a cushion. Always be prepared, it can make a difference!