• Judy B.

    May 15, 2016 at 9:33 am

    That is definitely NOT how you teach “protection” training! Even if you start off young with a dog, it would be fun games of tug and would be enjoyable for a dog…you don’t do intimidation with a puppy. That poor puppy is barking and biting because it looks like it has no choice out of fear. Dogs don’t really start to do real protection training until about age 2 or so when they mature. Yes puppy work can be done earlier but that is just a game for them at that time. This is irrisponsible and not how professionals do training. We respect the dogs, we respect the time and process it takes and we don’t push dogs beyond their limits and past their limits to full fear. This is why their should be standardization in dog training. Why there should be criteria met just as any other profession and why there should be a process people go through before they are allowed to take credentialing exams to be a trainer.