• Judy B.

    April 27, 2016 at 2:10 pm

    A remote collar is a great training tool if used correctly. I use a remote collar with my dog. He gets very excited when i take it out as he assocites it with good things and more freedom. You would have to teach the dog the “escape conditioning” first and would have to make sure you are usinging it correctly. If not the dog will just be confused. If this is something you would like to consider we could advise you how to use it correctly. Please note that it does take a dog aproximately 30 days or so to form new habits, so doing this for less than a month may not be as productive. The modern remotes have a huge adjustable range and also have a vibrtae feature as well. We always have clients use the collar on themselves first before using it on their dogs. We never do anything to them that we would not do to ourselves first. Let us know yoir thoughts and we can advise you further.