• Davis Tran

    February 27, 2016 at 2:07 am

    Awesome post Mike!

    I am alwaysΒ interested in dog behavior andΒ have seen dogs get in betweenΒ two dogs to prevent conflict or rough play from escalatingΒ but had no idea they also do it with humans. So cool to also see it in a real life intense situation.

    I don’t have any knowledge in the protection dog world so one of the question that popped up in my mind is that assuming the dog continue to not get any sort of formal trainingΒ and thisΒ EXACT event is to occur again, now that the dog have successfully protected his owner and attacked a person before,Β would it cause the dog to “pull the trigger” earlier next time around? Or will he be just as “patient” for lack of better wordΒ the next time around?