Dog Training World Forums General Dog Training Discussion Miscellaneous Can Dogs and Cats Can Be Happy Together: Study on Pheromones Reply To: Can Dogs and Cats Can Be Happy Together: Study on Pheromones

  • Cyndi Cross

    August 16, 2022 at 3:42 pm

    I completely understand! We stacked baby gates in an attempt to corral a critter, too! That also did not go well! In my case, the “critter” was my youngest son when he was a toddler. He’s Autistic and was extremely hyperactive. We needed to construct a “safe room” for him (per his psychiatrist); and since we had no other rooms that we could convert … we created one in our hallway.

    My dad constructed a door from plywood with a steel mesh insert, which was tall & smooth enough that Evan couldn’t climb up, over, or UNDER, it. It was as non-isolating as we could safely make it. Evan could look out and see us, and we could look in and observe him. The space was also manageable for Evan, and he could play without sensory overload. Evan’s case manager & psychiatrist thought the door was brilliant.

    Necessity is usually the mother of invention … Maybe my situation can help you find a workable solution for your dilemma (?) – something that would simultaneously give you peace, give your Mal more freedom & provide much needed respite for the cats. 🤷‍♀️

    Just a thought.