Training Plan Blueprints

These plans are designed to be used after understanding the Behavior and Obedience Course material.

Collecting Client Information 5.0

Objectives Goals of information collecting Think ahead! The next step will be the actual consultation. A good consultation will shift...

How to Use Your Training Template 5.0

Objectives What is a training template? What are the sections? How do you use the sections? How do you use...

Online Training Template for Clients 4.0

What are hands off plans good for? Triangle Address with clients in the order of triangle, but keep in mind:...

Doing a Consultation 4.0

The forms found in this stream can be downloaded in the knowledge base: here

Using Charts to Simplify Training 4.0

Fear and Protective Aggression Blue Print 4.0

This plan does not explain the behavior of fear aggression or how to teach the training exercises necessary to execute...

Dominance Aggression Blueprint 4.0

This plan does not explain the behavior of dominance aggression or how to teach the training exercises necessary to execute...

Barrier Frustration Blueprint 4.0

Barrier Frustration Examples 1. 2. 3.

Fear Biter Blueprint 4.0

Featured Videos in stream 1. 2. 3. 4.

Resource Guarding Blueprint 4.0

This plan does not explain the behavior of resource guarding or how to teach the training exercises necessary to execute...

Territorial Aggression Blueprint 4.0

Ethology - Review territorial aggression and especially what is NOT this type of aggression.  You may need to make plans that...

Dog Shelter Triage 4.0

Disclaimer: This is an example of a triage system that aims to save the MOST dogs as possible, not without...