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28 ArticlesWolf
13 ArticlesComparative
3 ArticlesDominance
18 ArticlesStudies of Dominance in Dogs and Wolves
Dominance in Domestic Dogs Revisited: Useful Habit and Useful Construct?
Matthijs B.H. Schilder, Claudia M. Vinke, Joanne A.M. van der Borg 2014 ABSTRACT In the last decade, the validity and...
Intrinsic Ball Retrieving in Wolf Puppies Suggests Standing Ancestral Variation for Human-Directed Play Behavior, Hansen Wheat and Temrin
Highlights Dogs, unlike wolves, are suggested to have the ability to interpret human cues Yet, untrained wolf puppies will spontaneously...
Study of Animal Drives, Moss 1924
Basic Thesis: The behavior of any animal is the resultant of his drives to action and the opposing resistances. It...