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  1. Spot on. As I read this, off the top of my head, fwiw, here’s my reaction: Humans AND Dogs. Each is an individual. To to be a really good trainer….of people and their dogs….your have to apply the Polyvagal theory to both the 2- and the 4-legged ones. Not easy. Not simple. Takes time. Requires self-criticism. There’s no substitute for experience. The more you’ve worked with different people and dogs, the better because a cookie cutter approach simply won’t work. I am not a pro trainer. But I’ve watched and helped several pro-trainers — Mike most of all — helped a few people with their dogs, and trained several dogs of my own and others’ dogs. This article and all the others cited in this thread provide great mental nourishment. My own goal is to internalize this info so well that if someone wakes me from a sound sleep at 2 AM and asks me to SIMPLY explain each article’s main concept, I can . IMO, if you can do that, you on the road to being a good trainer. Thx, for posting these articles, Mike.

  2. Thank you for this one, again! Especially for explanation of how it relate to FSDT. Definitely something I will dive more into. It is very interesting how environment can influence dog behavior. My own young male dog can be reactive to dogs on the walks, especially in big groups. The same dog is totally not reactive on the dog shows or competitions or training- a lot of dogs but always under control! He will curious of them but not afraid so no need to be aggressive.