Q&A #105

Allie McCain

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Day one phase 3 off leash recall with premack for your consideration, we practiced phase 2 on the flexi and some phase 3 on flexi but i wanted to take advantage of the frisbee because he wasnt getting enough corrections in controlled settings to do fair escape conditioning, so I held the frisbee close by momma and this is the result. SHe is going to keep him on leash this week and try to take him new places so she can practice.

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This is Teddy the Shar Pei, he is in for aggression and anxiety, his dad is a nail artist and has a uv light that beeps and was scaring Teddy into a frenzy that made it impossible for him to continue working (he works from homeThis is a counter conditioning drill for your consideration

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This is Pfeiffer's first time doing Protection drills. it was kind of experimental to see what she would need to respond, she is about 4 and I was happy that she focused on her momma because there were horses all around us, the horses in the first clip were mounted Sherriff volunteers and they stopped to see if maybe they were going to spring into action...but Pfeiffer saved the day lol! I know I shouldnt have laughed in the first video....but its sooooo hard not to smile and laugh like the joker when dogs get to do this. She wants to be like Orfeo when she grows up....for your consideration.

Arthur Lopatin

Suppose u r teaching Ph 2 or 3 Heel and you want to use 'No' along with one of the Leg-Language No's. I believe that the order in which you use the verbal vs the LLN depends upon which one your want to be your primary No and which you want to be more of a prompt. If the LLN is primary -- as it should be, imo -- then the LLN comes first, followed by the verbal prompt. But if, for some reason, you want the verbal to be primary, then say 'No.' and if Fido doesn't get it do an LLN. Correct???

Ethics question: I have a client/friend who wants to take her dog to visit people in hospitals, etc. Therapy dog, in other words. The entry-level requirement is passing the AKC Canine Good Citizenship test, which has 10 items that look for tempermental suitability and very basic obedience. My question: Is it ethical for the person doing the evaluation to give the test, decide the dog hasn't passed one or two items and then turn around and offer her/his services to get Fido qualified? In my opinion it's not. Please note, this is a theoretical question. I am not CGCT qualified and if I was, I wouldn'd double dip like this. What do you think?

by 'double dip' I meant have the appearance of a conflict of interest

Nicole Ticehurst Ticehurst

Heel has been difficult for me to get timing right on. To say I've struggled with it, is an understatement. I had noticed hesitancy with Chloe, and you even noticed some body language from her that indicated perhaps she was a little unsure or even afraid that she might get a correction. I went back to Phase 1. Had some fun with it, before reworking it in Phase 3. Then on vacation last week, I practiced it again in phase 3 where she could run into the lake and run free on the trails in between spurts of it, and I saw a much happier Chloe in phase 3. Back home I tried it again, with a less frequent reward schedule. Watching this video I do notice that I left out some Markers... For your consideration.

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