• Michael D'Abruzzo

    January 6, 2017 at 1:25 pm

    As a father of an 8 year old severely mentally disabled son and a small dog that for sure bite him if he hugged her I can relate to this.

    With these kind of things it is a personal choice as long as a professional i do my job and tell the client that it is normal for dogs to bite children for hugging, which is why it is a normal part of any bite prevention case. When you throw in other factors that shit tzu’a are usally spoiled and prone to treating people like other dogs because they are kept on the same level an usually not trained it makes it more “normal” behavior.

    As long as they understand that this is not a case of a bad dog, but a case of what to expect from any dog in similar situation. So it is a choice of whethere they want to have any dog at all if all else remains equal. They can gamble and get another dog with less restraint that still wont like to be hugged or end up with worse.

    On the flip side most 5 year old can be taught to not hug a dog and the the 5 year old knows for sure now why. Parents can also easily teach the dog to not share couches and things like that with the owners or at the very least when the child is on there.

    I just posted a facebook thread on this, and it is basically the same thing. Spoiled dogs end up getting the shit end of the stick at the end of the day. It sounds like a simple discipline bite and the dog showed a lot of restraint.

    Sometimes owners get rid of dogs like this and then go get a larger breed or another dog with less restraint and the same thing happens but it is a ripped off face or dead child.

    Therefore, as long as a dog owner understands why it happened, how to prevent it, and that it can happen with any dog you did your part. I always respect parents decisions when it comes to dog bites since they know best if they will be able to follow through with bite prevention.