Dog Training World Forums General Dog Training Discussion Miscellaneous Does This Big New Study Contradict, Amend or Support Scott & Fuller???? Reply To: Does This Big New Study Contradict, Amend or Support Scott & Fuller????

  • Arthur Lopatin

    April 29, 2022 at 9:19 pm

    I read the summaries and the abstract. Seemed to me that, there was overreliance on surveys, a you noted, and that — w/o being a genetics expert — the dna analyses were not necessarily rock-solid. My gut / experience tells me that breed type influences broad categories of behavior, specific breed and even moreso breed line influences behavior at a more granular level. I can’t prove it, but I see it.

    The reason I posted this was to provoke discussion, since this study is very large, comes from prestigious researchers and prestigious institutions, was well-funded and was published by Science mag, which is the official publication of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, which is the major umbrellas science org. in the USA, so I thought it important to take note of it.

    IMO, in today’s world, too often science serves ideological agendas, not the search for objective scientific knowledge