Dog Training World Forums Obedience Training Phase 3 Obedience Off-leash recall playlist. Reply To: Off-leash recall playlist.

  • Michael D'Abruzzo

    May 13, 2019 at 6:06 pm

    Referring to Sharon’s attachment:

    1. Escape conditioning

    2. Maintenance/avoidance conditioning if placed at the end of full command structure post disobedience. (Name, command(disobeys), command+punishment, etc..).  But can be poisoned if done without proper command structure or prior escape conditioning.

    3. Side effect – punishment for responding

    4. Maintenance/avoidance conditioning if aversive is used for only one type of response. Possible side effect of confusion and delayed response if used for more than one type of response.



    Yes I would skip the “no” if the dog consistently stops part way on the recall.  I also usually continue to walk backwards during the recall to emphasize to the dog that they must come all the way to me.  I stop moving when the dog is within easy touch distance.  Sometimes even leaning toward the dog will give the dog the impression you will make up the proximity requirement for them.

    As far as recalls on a hike (or any situation), if a dog does not acknowledge name and disobeys the command I skip the “no” and repeat command with proper punishment at same time.  (Name, command, command+punishment).

    As long as the volume of the command is loud enough to not be overshadowed by other environmental noises it has proven to give me results and be fair.

    When using the name in the command structure the dog only needs to listen, so you may not see any kind of head turn or indication that the dog did hear, although if you are loud enough (not to be confused with scolding), the dog only needs to respond once the command is given.

    If I want acknowledgement from a dog I would add a command after the name such as: (name,”look”) otherwise we wouldn’t want the dog to think they must acknowledge on their name or else it could cause side effects during any exercise where you would rather the dog stay visually focused on what it was doing.  Such as a dog doing bitework and we say: “name, Out” We may want the dog to still be facing and focusing on the agitator.

    I hope this helps.