
Alpha Status, Dominance, and Division of Labor in Wolf Packs by L. David Mech – 1999

Mech, 1999 ABSTRACT The prevailing view of a wolf (Canis lupus) pack is that of a group of individuals ever...

Leadership behavior in relation to dominance and reproductive status in gray wolves, Canis lupus, David Mech 2002

Abstract: We analyzed the leadership behavior of breeding and nonbreeding gray wolves (Canis lupus) in three packs during winter in...

Submission: Its Features and Function in the Wolf and Dog

Rudolph Schenkel 1967 ABSTRACT Submission in the wolf and dog is defined on the basis of its motivation: submission is...

Dominance Relationships in a Group of Domestic Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)

Rebecca K. Trisko and Barbara B. Smuts, 2015 Conclusions: Altered pet dogs will form unidirectional, linear, hierarchical relationships, similarly to...

Dominance in Domestic Dogs: A Quantitative Analysis of Its Behavioural Measures

Joanne A. M. van der Borg, Matthijs B. H. Schilder, Claudia M. Vinke, Han de Vries 2015 ABSTRACT A dominance...

Dominance in Dogs as Rated by Owners Corresponds to Ethologically Valid Markers of Dominance

Enikő Kubinyi and Lisa J. Wallis 2019 Key Points: Authors provide an excellent overview of recent studies on dominance and...

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