
Aggressive behavior of Dogs Kept as Companion Animals: Classification and Influence of Sex, Reproductive Status and Breed

Peter l. Borchelt 1983 Conclusions: Out of the 8 types of aggression studied in pet dogs, dominance and possessive aggression...

Exploring Breed Differences in Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris): Does Exaggeration or Inhibition of Predatory Response Predict Performance on Human-Guided Tasks?

Monique A. R. Udell, Margaret Ewald, Nicole R. Dorey, Clive D. L. Wynne 2014 Conclusions: Dog breeds with exaggerated or...

Insights about the Epidemiology of Dog Bites in a Canadian City Using a Dog Aggression Scale and Administrative Data

Niamh Caffrey, Melanie Rock, Olivia Schmidtz, Doug Anderson, Melissa Parkinson and Sylvia L. Checkley 2019 Conclusions No breed group is...

Frequency and Distribution of 152 Genetic Disease Variants in Over 100,000 Mixed Breed and Purebred Dogs

Jonas Donner et al 2018 Highlights: New extensive database detailing genetic disorders found in 330 breeds as well as mixed...

Significant Neuroanatomical Variation Among Domestic Dog Breeds

Erin E. Hecht, Jeroen B. Smaers, William J. Dunn, Marc Kent, Todd M. Preuss, David A. Gutman, 2019 Highlights: Dogs'...

Introduction to Canine Behavior

<--Introduction to Foundation Style Dog Training Canine Culture-->  Ethology is the first step. It is the foundation, that all...

Breed-Specific Behavior

<--Canine Culture Canine Body Language and Vocalization--> As a dog owner, it is essential to understand your dog's breed-specific behavioral...