Dog Training World Forums Aggression Problems Territorial Aggression Didjeri, the Blue Healer with Territorial Aggression. Need help with Solutions! Reply To: Didjeri, the Blue Healer with Territorial Aggression. Need help with Solutions!

  • Arthur Lopatin

    August 12, 2023 at 8:44 am

    Here’s the best place to start getting a handle on this situation:

    re: what ‘didn’t get along with their chihuahua’…..imo, it’s important for you to keep an eagle eye on how this dog gets along with the other household dog. akita, blue heeler==two tough dogs.

    imo, this would be a challenge if your clients had only one dog. it’s a little more difficult in a 2-dog household. if they want their son and his dog(s?) to visit them, for some time at least, they need to manage the problem. it’s unrealistic to believe Didjeri’s issues will be solved in one or two weeks. it’s gonna take time. please read and reread Mike’s aggression blueprint and then develop your own plan to implement it with this particular dog / client. as with building blueprints, reading and understanding the blueprint and the building the building are two different things.

    Imo, it’s important to manage your client’s expectations.

    Very interesting, challenging.