• Allie Dellosa

    September 23, 2021 at 3:18 am

    I can’t believe I missed this!!!! Shoko! You are so awesome for following your heart and seeking further education! Heidi will repay you for your efforts in love snd relationship!!!! One thing to consider, even though phase 1 training (+R) is a great way to bond, learn communication, and enjoy each other, it isn’t all there is to leadership. Keep watching and definitely read the leadership article, and post questions! Dominance and leadership is on going and is the heartbeat of conflict free and fulfilling relationships with our dogs. Here is a great video to watch and remember that we, the humans, also fall under A, B, or C not just the 4 legged family members. Hope this helps. You’re in the right place! https://youtu.be/owjyJh2NlfE