Dog Training World Forums General Dog Training Discussion Miscellaneous Heel o Rama with my kids, and a lil command structure practice Reply To: Heel o Rama with my kids, and a lil command structure practice

  • Arthur Lopatin

    July 20, 2020 at 11:41 am

    I’m super impressed. What level stim r u using in this session? Only thing I might add is more speeding up/slowing down/fast turns/steps to side, etc. but this is your first session. i am impressed w/the tricks. i’ve never done stuff like that. how long do you figure before you start working off-leash in your backyard? what’s your plan for ‘taking it on the road?’ basically, i mean are you gonna do something like make sure she gets (ie, proof) phase 2 avoidance heeling in more distracting environments and then go on to phase 3. and when you do go on to phase 3 are you gonna proceed step by step just like you did in your backyard. …… Inquiring minds want to know 🙂 I’m looking forward to more of your vids. Great stuff. Thanks.