• Arthur Lopatin

    January 4, 2020 at 7:53 pm

    I just read this, Yossi, and I have a question and an initial thought: Did you take your dog to see the vet when she got sick? The initial thought: If I recall correctly, your dog is a Canaan dog. Have you read up on the breed? It might explain her reluctance to play tug after reaching a certain age, and assuming that nothing happened during earlier play sessions to make he wary of playing tug with you. In this regard, may I ask how you got her to ‘Out’ the tug toy? Also, do you leave toys around your house for her to play with whenever she wants or do you put them away and play with her on your schedule? (This is covered in the Leadership video and in excellent KnowledgeBase articles as well.) This said, it might be that tug is just not her thing. Have you tried squeaky toys, which are more animal-like? Or squeak balls? If not and you want to give it a try, buy two and try to get her to go for one (either a squeaky tug in your hand or a thrown squeaky ball in your hand), have her ‘Out’ it when she brings it back to you and quickly present, or throw, the second one. If you start real close, you won’t have to worry about her running off with the toy, which can happen if you don’t do it right. I hope this helps.