Targeting in Protection Training

What is targeting?

Different targets need to be trained for different presentations

Why is it important?

Target can be anywhere depending on purpose/rationale/preference/opinion:

  • chest
  • armpit
  • bicep
  • forearm
  • tricep
  • upper leg
  • groin
  • face (extremely dangerous/not recommended but has been done)
Create "tunnel vision"
Do not allow dog any other option until handler/agitator notice dog is ONLY looking at the target.
Things that can extend process
  • Dog previously targeted elsewhere
  • Allowing dog to send too early
  • Handler working with other agitators that are targeting differently
Agiaitors MUST be aware of targeting and if dog goes to see other trainers! - Major safety issue.

Different techniques

Use back tie - Takes most skill for armpit.  Need to understand the reach and arch of the dog.
Danny 1 - Learning
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Danny 2 - Danny does a skilled armpit target on a dog in fight drive
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Table - more complicated prep but easier
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Generalization - Most side effects
In play (not recommended with the owner/primary trainer)
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Then onto agitator
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Final Result
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Placement - The best in my opinion with a good handler
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Targeting always best and safest when done early and in "play drive" but, technically, can be done in other drives.
Beat downs - Fight Drive
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Same dog after lots of targeting
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Optional Targeting: No Target/Weapon/etc
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