Forum Replies Created

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  • Judy B.

    April 27, 2016 at 1:35 am in reply to: Boundaries

    What about some type of “cable runner”? (Much like a clothes line, or zip line) These should still be used under supervision and dogs should not be left unatended while attached to these lines. It doesnt seem that would be much of an issue though as you already stated you do watch the dogs when they are outside. This would allow more freedom for your female dog to do her buisness away from you. It would take getting used to but it could potentially be an option if you prefer not to use the other methods you mentioned. Also the line would be attached from above so they would not get tangled in it. You would have to make sure you had an area or some type of set up that you could reliably secure it to but it could possibly be another option for you to research.

  • Judy B.

    April 26, 2016 at 10:42 am in reply to: Would snake vaccine be a good idea

    Mason, Myself or another trainer will get back to you soon on this subject. I just didn’t want to leave you hanging.

  • Judy B.

    April 26, 2016 at 3:32 am in reply to: Would snake vaccine be a good idea

    Mason, I will do some of my own research and will also ask the oppinions of the other trainers. One of us will get back to you. I just didnt want to leave your inquiry hanging.

  • Judy B.

    April 25, 2016 at 3:47 pm in reply to: I can't load my dog pic

    Michael the Admin is aware and he will have IT take a look. Thank you for being patient and thank you for starting a profile for your dog. Using the journals will help us to be able to help you better.

  • Judy B.

    April 23, 2016 at 12:36 am in reply to: When to put down…

    Hi Tina, thank you for building up Rockys profile. If getting started on a plan is what you’d like to do here is what I would suggest. I would not suggest having strangers come give Rocky treats right now. This is dangerous and can put others at risk and would also be a liability to you. You need to manage the situation as safely as possible for your own protection as well as the protection of others and also Rocky. You’re going to need to work on control with Rocky. As far as the E-collar you need to do things step by step before you can start using this correctly and appropriately. I would not suggest you go straight to the collar when he is in an aggressive or fearful state as this can often back fire, sometimes firing the dogs up more and sometimes even causing them to redirect their aggression on the owner. We want to keep you and others safe and also don’t want to hurt the relation ship you have with Rocky either by skipping steps or not doing things appropriately.

    The first step is going to be reviewing the “leadership” section thoroughly. This is the first and most important step. One red flag that was in your post was where you mentioned Rocky bringing the ball over to the trainer pushing it into him to play. This is demonstrating bossy behavior of him wanting to control the game. Without the proper leadership these things that may seem small like bringing a ball over to play, can actually lead to bigger and more dangerous issues that you may not even be aware of. There are 3 categories in the leadership section. Provided for, Entitled and Unprovided for. We want rocky to fall into the “Provided” category for ALL things listed there. Leadership needs to be clear black and white to him.

    After reviewing the leadership section please let us know where Rocky falls for each category listed. Let us know ALL the places where Rocky rests. Does he let you know when he needs to go outside or do you have a routine? Does he have free access to food or does he eat at certain times? Does he let you know when he wants to play and does he have toys around that he plays with or bones around that he likes to chew? Does Rocky come over to you for affection and do you give it to him? The leadership is the most important and yet the most overlooked step. Please remember to disclose all info honestly and remember we are never here to judge you or anyone else. We are here to help and guide you onto a safe path.

    This will be your starting point. 🙂

  • Judy B.

    April 22, 2016 at 11:23 pm in reply to: problem adding dogs

    Thank you! IT is currently working on the dog profile issues.  Thank you everyone for your patience and support 🙂

  • Judy B.

    April 20, 2016 at 9:15 pm in reply to: jumping to phase 2

    You’re welcome! That’s what we are here for!

  • Judy B.

    April 20, 2016 at 3:52 am in reply to: jumping to phase 2
  • Judy B.

    April 20, 2016 at 3:47 am in reply to: jumping to phase 2

    Hi Stuart. Have you reviewed the leash ninja video? This will teach you how to hold and use the leash. If you are using the leash correctly the dog shouldn’t have that much loose slack to be able to bite. Also have you started leash manners yet? It is ok to use the starmark and start doing these exercises even if you are still doing phase 1 training. Remember to always stay calm with your puppy and never yell at her as you do not want to hurt your relationship withat her. As far as playing it is absolutely a good thing to play games with her that do satisfy her prey drive. They need a good outlet for their restless spirt. Make sure you review the leadership exercises on the site also. Make sure your puppy has an outlet. Replace unwanted behavior right now with wanted behavior. If the puppy keeps biting things she shouldn’t like your hands just redirect her and give her something she is allowed to chew on. Bully sticks are one great option. When you review the leadership you want the dog to fall in the “provided” for category. Make sure you are proving enough play and giving her an outlet to satisfy her drive balance. Withholding games that do not satisfy her drive will actually be counter productive. Appropriate play will not make her aggressive. They will help satisfy her needs. As far as biting during greetings, our dogs will get excited to see us, they only have their mouths so they use it a lot to communicate, mouthing is not uncommon for a puppy to do when excited just simply redirect her at this point onto something appropriate that she is allowed to chew on. Later on if you have exceeded all of your options we can work on correcting the behavior but right now at 3 months i would suggest you want to try to redirect her and show her alternate behavior you want from her as much as possible. Releasing objects…sometimes dogs will hold onto things they dont think they will get back, you can start doing premack principal exercises when playing pairing it with a little “out” command. Obviously she will not know what this means yet, but she will eventually learn with repitition. Using two toys is something you can try. When she has one…tell her “out” and entice her with the second….as soon as she let’s go…tell her good girl and praise her then give her the second….this is a good way to play with a ball too. Having two will usually help the dog drop the one it has, then when the dog has built up trust and starts to understand the game you can start just using the 1. You can do this with any toy. Just make sure you are playing with leadership rules….the dog should not have toys all over….you take out the toy/tug/ball when you want to play…then when the game is over give her something yummy and put the toy away.

    So recap…

    1-review and follow leadership

    2-review leash ninja video

    3-review leash manars-if you need help we will help you

    4-read about premack principal

    5-always have patience,  puppies are hard work..but your hard work will pay off



  • Judy B.

    April 19, 2016 at 4:05 am in reply to: The positive ONLY cult

    Excellent post! Perfectly said! Couldn’t add a thing!

  • Judy B.

    April 8, 2016 at 10:39 pm in reply to: Picky Eater

    Excellent! She’s eating it up quickly now becuase you’re doing well! She knows its her time to eat and mom’s not giving in anymore…good job!  🙂

  • Judy B.

    April 8, 2016 at 9:45 am in reply to: problem adding dogs

    Thank you everyone for being patient with the dog profiles. It is not something anyone is doing wrong it appears to just be a bug with the system. As this site is a work in progress you may come across some more bugs but just bare with please as this is becoming such a great community! Thank you all for your participation. Piece by piece things will get worked out and we will update you on the progress as we can. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and in the mean time….keep the forums going!  🙂

  • Judy B.

    April 7, 2016 at 10:17 pm in reply to: Picky Eater

    How has the eating situation been going with Kimber? Have she been eating what you give her when you feed her now?

  • Judy B.

    April 7, 2016 at 7:50 pm in reply to: Foundation Style Certification?

    Eventually, in time there may be an online course. The trainers that would be involved with teaching just need to work on the best way and time to approach this.  It would be a great thing worldwide for people and other trainers who want to learn the ins and outs on Foundation Style Training and want to certify.

  • Judy B.

    April 14, 2016 at 2:06 pm in reply to: Tazer Learning the "Quiet" Command

    You are doing a great job learning! Hopefully you can pass on some of the knowledge you have gained here to others you come across. Keep up the good work.

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