First Name | Ryan |
Country | United States of America (the) |
Certifications | |
Business/Organization Information | |
Websites | |
Tell us about yourself: | |
Last Name | Lugo |
Nickname | iqdogtrainer77 |
Country | United States |
State/Province | California |
About Me | I started dog training as a hobby in my mid-twenties. I enjoyed learning about dogs and teaching my own dog tricks and how to Read. As in read commands written on cards or displayed on a tablet. I found an old out-of-print book at the local library written by Bonnie Bergin, ED. D. who is a researcher in dog studies and the inventor of the service dog. I found her book’s subject matter so fascinating and inspiring that it intrigued me to try out her methods on my own dog. This is how I first got interested into Dog training. Since then I learned how to train protection dogs and police dogs. My mentor was a police officer but he also had his own business. Right now my focus is on pets which is still ongoing! I recently started my own dog business doing lessons and board and trains. I also have experience in dog grooming. I also have some old old youtube videos from years ago that are very embarrassing so please do not look at them! Haha! |
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