Forum Replies Created

  • Josh Young

    July 9, 2020 at 10:52 am in reply to: Sniffing Corona & Other Viruses – PennVetWrkingDogCtr

    I volunteer @ the PennVet Working Dog Center. The Center was Developed after the attacks on the World Trade Centet (9-11) as a tribute to the dogs who lost there lives performing search and rescue at ground zero.

    They now specialize in training working dogs for S&R, Medical detection (ovarian cancer, Diabetic alert, and now Covid 19 detection), as well as duel purpose (scent detection & apprehension) K9’s for police departments and the like, throughout the country. Although I do have contact with the dogs mentioned in this article, i personally have been assigned to  train with the “Police k9 Team”. I find it to be an honor to work with dogs and trainers of this caliber, it’s a truly incredible learning experience.

  • Josh Young

    April 25, 2020 at 11:13 am in reply to: Anxiety with Pica

    Hi Allie, thanks for the reply. I haven’t used Panacur, but my monthly heart worm preventative, Sentinel Spectrum, treats and prevents Hook, Round, Whip, and Tape worms as well as heart worm. Do you see that ad OK, or is there something about Panacur I’m missing? And yes, after learning so much on this site I totally agree with you that leadership, management, and productive play / work will go a long way.  In regards to “leave it” I was only able to find a “phase 1” leave it video, do you know of any additional references to a “leave it” all the way through level 3? Anyhow thanks for the advice and encouragement, and I know my dog isn’t stupid. Now that I’ve learned how some peoples “attitudes” can really destroy a training plan I shouldn’t have used that word,  I meant it harmlessly like you would call a friend stupid for acting silly.

  • Josh Young

    March 3, 2020 at 3:32 pm in reply to: I spanked my dog yesterday..

    I don’t want to be the first one to say it’s “OK”, but as long as your timing was appropriate and you realize there are better ways to handle it (or avoid it in the future) then I’d say don’t feel bad.

    Sounds like it was a learning experience for everyone. ?