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Abortion in Dogs

There are numerous reasons for why pet owners would like to prevent pregnancy in their pets.

There are numerous reasons for why pet owners would like to prevent pregnancy in their pets. It is a common concern, and there are ways to perform a safe pregnancy termination if your dog has become pregnant. If you are considering ending a pregnancy in your dog, it is recommended that you first seek the advice and assistance of a medical professional, so that a full risk and side effects evaluation can be done.

On the other hand, it is also important to note that dogs can experience spontaneous abortions or miscarriages for a variety of medical reasons. Both situations will be covered here.

Symptoms and Types

If your dog has experienced a spontaneous abortion, the most common thing you may notice is abnormal vaginal bleeding; in some cases an expelled fetus may be found. The most common cause of a spontaneous abortion is fetal death due to a hormonal imbalance.

In the case of a planned abortion, bleeding is the most common symptom following the procedure. It is advised that you closely monitor your dog so that any side effects or health related issues can be responded to quickly.


An ultrasound machine can detect a pregnancy in a dog. In addition, the ultrasound of a fetus is usually necessary before many health care providers will agree to a medical abortion. Doppler-type instruments can also be used to hear a fetus' heartbeat if the pregnancy is far enough along.


The hollow bodily organ that holds the embryo and fetus and provides nourishment; only found in female animals.


The presence of pus in the uterus


Excessive urination


The type of female hormone produced in the ovaries that contributes to sex drive and female characteristics