• Steve Kessler

    June 27, 2010 at 5:12 am

    So true Mike. The bull terriers are everywhere here in the UK. Great dogs, super drive!! But most have not ever tugged as some information here is, may I say “rubbish”.
    Dave the bull terrier I’m training is a year old and never tugged. Lives on ten acres yet has restless spirit issues. After some supervised tug sessions the owners are amazed at how much Dave has calmed down. As I like to explain it. Imagine a fine artisit with paint canvas and easel in front of them, tied in a straight jacket. Dave took to tugging like a fish to water. And boy will he work for it too! Also he holds his sit stay til I free him upindefinitely now. Just finishing phase 1. Keep you updated. As for me. The training has really helped get me back on my feet. My restless spirit is also improving.