Dog Training World Forums Aggression Problems Food Aggression and other Resource Guarding Can we just talk about how cool ethology is? Resource guarding to Aller!!!!!!!!! Reply To: Can we just talk about how cool ethology is? Resource guarding to Aller!!!!!!!!!

  • Arthur Lopatin

    August 17, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    If u have time, would you please clarify Stormies story. All I know (or recall) is that you got her as a sickly puppy and nursed her back to health. I also recall your mentioning projectile vomiting, but I don’t know what caused it. Re her guarding her vomit: makes perfect sense: It’s nutritious. Ask any wolf pup. Why / when did the resource guarding start. What caused it?

    Quadruple wowie for Stormie Allering her chew toy. Re Aller, maybe the details are in one of the Forums and I missed it — I peruse them sporadically and whenever I do, I learn / discover something — so, could you please tell me if you trained this by back chaining; ie (Seek) Heel, Fetch, Heel again, probably w/you standing where you were for the initial (Seek) Heel but then moving on to progressively more challlenging static presentations (ie you still are standing still but in a different place) and (finally) to moving presentations (i.e., you’ve tossed the object. Stormie’s going for it. while she’s going for it, you start moving and don’t stop, because, finally, Stormy. Aller. means get the toy, bring it to me, regardless of where I am and regardless of whether I’m standing still or in motion.

    Did I get that right? How long did it take to reach this point in training. Are any of your clients working on this.

    Great stuff.