• Cyndi Cross

    August 1, 2022 at 9:42 pm

    In my desperation, I found K9-1, but instead invested in a different dog training program. And, while some of their practices were helpful getting Lacey kennel & potty trained – the rest of their practices left gaping holes in education/training, no true logic, very vaguely answered questions, and little to no support. It was during a moment of clarity, that I spoke to my husband about joining K9-1, and I’ve never looked back. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

    I’m not sure I could have kept my mouth shut … or stayed in my seat while watching that scene unfold … or maintained any semblance of composure. A lot of people around me would have been really angry because I’d have gotten louder & louder with each dissent. I probably would have left … but I know that you were there to support Mav and his mama.

    Thank you for bringing this experience to everyone’s attention and for being both, a passionate voice, and one of reason. This is why FSDT is so important – and why we need to glean as much information as we can from Mike and people like you. Humans and their … our … dogs are and will be so much better off because of FSDT and you both.