Study of Animal Drives, Moss 1924

Basic Thesis: The behavior of any animal is the resultant of his drives to action and the opposing resistances. It is a fact of common…

Q&A #121

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Separation Anxiety 5.0

Objectives What is separation anxiety? Separation anxiety is the physiological response of a dog, being separated from the “pack”. Dogs experiencing anxiety, will present with…

Q&A #120

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Making Housebreaking Plans 5.0

Objectives What is housebreaking? Prerequisite considerations How to make a housebreaking plan? What is Housebreaking? It is the process of teaching the dog to form…

Q&A #119

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Teaching Leadership to Clients 5.0

Objectives What is leadership and why is it important we teach it? Is this the same as “dominance theory”? How does it relate to ethology?…

Q&A #118

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Q&A #117

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Marking the Behavior 5.0

Objectives The biggest mistake at this stage is to make it more than what it is! Keep it simple for the client. What is marking?…

Q&A #116

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Maintenance in Obedience Plans

Objectives The checklist What is maintenance? The process of keeping or continuing something. When does it begin? The moment you start testing a handler on…

Q&A #115

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