Forum Replies Created

  • Kenny Wallace

    June 4, 2024 at 8:39 pm in reply to: Phase 1 Instruction for review from peers


  • Kenny Wallace

    May 30, 2024 at 11:20 am in reply to: Phase 1 Instruction for review from peers


  • Kenny Wallace

    May 8, 2024 at 11:16 pm in reply to: Ethics

    the part that’s absolute cancer is the comments.

    top comment says “those dogs were raised right” lol

    so unbelievably misleading

    but these are the type of people if you try to educate them and explain that genetics are kind of a thing and it’s not always how they’re raised, then you and your business gets accused of “Breed shaming”

  • Kenny Wallace

    November 22, 2023 at 7:23 am in reply to: Important lesson to learn here

    The issue is I’m not sure if anything can really be done about it. All NYS requires is food “adequate shelter” and water so it’s hard to decipher what is adequate shelter according to the law. But because he is a breeder that changes the requirements a bit. These dogs are not getting the genetic fulfillment they deserve. Of course I agreed to help this person but it wasn’t until now that I saw what was really going on with my own eyes. At the very least they can shut this guy down and possibly Seize his dogs. Unfortunately some of the male are so dominant and high drive that I don’t think the kennel staff are going to be able to manage appropriately. Once the case is closed they will be available for adoption or foster I believe so i will post updates on that.

  • Kenny Wallace

    November 14, 2023 at 8:52 pm in reply to: Accountability check,

    I know you’ve already heard it from me personally Allie, but I feel compelled to state it in the open. I can’t see that you made any mistakes here. You’re a lot like me in the sense that you’re self critical And that’s ok, because having that attitude is just going to make you better at your job. I can only hope I’ll be half as good a trainer as you are…keep doing your thing and I hope to learn more from you in the future.

  • Kenny Wallace

    November 7, 2023 at 10:07 pm in reply to: What happened in this attack?

    Hard to say just from the short video. Clearly they are not strays. They seemed very assertive from the start and I wouldn’t exactly say friendly like the woman said in the beginning. These are two dogs that are probably dominant and have little to no socialization skills with other people/dogs. If I had to guess with the little information you have to work with, I think these two are kept in the back yard and the owner has no structure play/work interactions with them. Probably no leadership at all outside of being fed and given the bare minimum, food and water and maybe shelter. They got out of this persons back yard somehow and were clearly bored and decided to make a game of their own. That being said they are both pitbull mix type breeds, probably around 2 years of age. they seem to be skipping steps in showing aggression and just resorting to attacking the person in the video. Genetics and prey drive kicked in and here you have a recipe for disaster. Perhaps some of the things I pointed out aren’t the case but this is 100% a leadership issue based case in my opinion.

  • Kenny Wallace

    May 31, 2024 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Phase 1 Instruction for review from peers

    that’s a mistake on my part, i tend to get complacent with commands and overlook the process in writing lol. at this point i feel like it would be easier to film a demonstration with my dog vs actually writing out the steps, ill revise thanks

  • Kenny Wallace

    May 10, 2024 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Phase 1 Instruction for review

    it would be a stay in place command, but it can be applied to other situations yes,

    same rules apply, name-command-good boy/girl then name-free/ different command

    now that I’m thinking of it, i guess for stuff like that i would incorporate a “wait” command to keep the dog from door/gate crashing or trying to follow me out the door.

    thanks for the input, Judy