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  • Brad Tobin

    September 24, 2018 at 5:35 pm in reply to: How easy is it to "mess up' a puppy?

    Thanks Courtney – I agree – you can only do what is possible with a lot of messy handlers around. But I have been back and forth on it, and I think a lot of love and interaction is ultimately a positive – I just come home and have to play the heavy – I’m used to it.

    what was that you said about controlling doorways? Have not heard that one yet – that sounds like something I should be doing – please, please tell me – I’m fascinated

  • Brad Tobin

    September 23, 2018 at 1:25 pm in reply to: How easy is it to "mess up' a puppy?

    thanks so much for responding James.

    Yes – i’m pretty fluent in Foundation Style dog training and I’m keeping up w mike’s current online classes.

    Shadow is a German Shepherd (ukrainian or something, actually) – he’s doing pretty well at 16 weeks – good phase 2 sit and climb (w excellent leash resistance) – also good attitude and body language.

    the dog seems to be more clear-headed than my last german shepherd, but also a little less sharp (if you know what i mean)

    the kid’s cluelessness about foundation style training does not seem to be interfering w the training, as of yet.

    I’m just worried they will screw up the implied stay, really – what do you think?

    do i need to make big deal about this?