Dog Training World Forums General Dog Training Discussion Miscellaneous Does This Big New Study Contradict, Amend or Support Scott & Fuller???? Reply To: Does This Big New Study Contradict, Amend or Support Scott & Fuller????

  • Michael D'Abruzzo

    April 29, 2022 at 2:57 pm

    In my opinion, it is very subjective and relies on owner surveys and definitely contradicts Scott and Fuller which is based off of 20 years of actual research in a laboratory.

    I think overall the general claim of the study is irresponsible and defies the common sense to anyone that has trained more than a handful of Malinois vs Golden Retrievers. Of course every dog has its own personality, but in general he differences between the breeds and the that they act are far more noticeable parts of their “personality”.

    Unfortunately, first time dog owners and novices will be less cautious of the breeds that they choose based of of advice that will originate from subjective questionnaires of dog owners in uncontrolled environments.